
Army Ground Forces



Coast Artillery Living History
Ft. Mott, NJ (22 July 2006)

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Before the Second World War many of the smaller and lower priority Coast Artillery installations, such as Fort Mott, had few if any vehicles. Many times soldiers used their own vehicles for transportation. Above, PVT Morrill and PVT Saunders are in Saunders's 1928 Model A roadster.

Lt. Sara Pomper, Army Nurse Corps. was assigned on temporary duty at Fort Mott during the Drill. Above, LT Pomper is being driven around the post in the roadster.

Battery Arnold provided an excellent location to discuss munitions and munitions handling. Members of the public were escorted through the battery. SGT Steve Turner is seen here with a 12" ammunition hoist in Battery Arnold.


Visitors also toured the post museum. 1SG Murray is seen with a 12-inch shot truck.

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